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  • Предисловие

  • Preface

  • Глава 1

  • Chapter 1

  • Глава 2

  • Chapter 2

  • Глава 3

  • Chapter 3

  • Глава 4

  • Chapter 4

  • Глава 5

  • Chapter 5

  • Глава 6

  • Chapter 6

  • Глава 7

  • Chapter 7

  • Глава 8

  • Chapter 8

  • Shaggy dances. Author Tatiana Shibakova.

    1 season.

    Chapter 6. Hotel "California".

    Today, all have a wonderful mood. Our heroes have known each other for several days. They regularly dance with their mentor Konstantin in the dance club "Shaggy Dances."

    Now, our friends are doing well in latin.

    In the afternoon, Lyosha invited the entire dance company to the theater for a comedy called "Hotel California", where he plays the main role.

    Everyone is watching the action taking place on the stage with interest, but Elena still manages in parallel to do her favorite thing - to secretly make quick sketches of people, imperceptibly for them and for everyone.
    The fact that the twilight in the hall does not confuse her. He draws the artist in a regular notepad in a square, palm-sized, with a black gel pen, using his observational tricks.
    Due to this, the drawing process becomes secret. Elena adores, thus, to study the nature of people. He singles out the many interesting characters around her and makes them the heroes of his own notebook.
    She is interested in poses, faces, clothes, movement, character.
    Now, Elena is interested in the character in the box on the right. This is a suspicious old man in vintage glasses. He is dressed, as it should be for the theater - prim and grand.
    Something Elena was alarmed in this image. A number of assumptions arose in her imagination. She decided to share what she saw with the whole company during the intermission.
    Misha offered to have fun after the performance and play detectives. Artyom said that we must quietly follow him. Our heroes looked forward to the end of the performance, in anticipation of a fictional game.
    Decided to follow two cars - Misha and Artem.
    The old man came out of the theater, sat down in a retro-style "Victory" in gray. Behind me, we started catching on and settled in on our cars, Misha and Artyom, where the whole company was seated. Misha has a white Nissan, while Artyom has a Toyota that is the color of wet asphalt.
    Such a picture was drawn: an old man on a retro machine and on the tail two young men on modern ones.
    "Victory", slowly, drove into the streets of the city "N". Not long drove, stopped at a luxurious mansion. The old man came out with a retroactively and proceeded to the front door. His absence lasted no more than 10 minutes. After that, he got into his retro machine and went on, and our sledaks honestly followed him.
    The next item from the driver "Victory" was a circus. The same happened again.
    Then the whole string proceeded to the zoo. The same happened again.
    Our heroes wondered who he was, this old man, and what he was doing.
    Correctly Elena saw in it a riddle. Now everyone is trying to find a solution. The answer was not long in coming and suddenly appeared at the next turn.
    Our retrostar parked outside the building with a sign: "Second-hand bookseller".
    Elena was surprised most of all: "So, is he an employee of a second-hand office? And in the points on which he drove are his clients?"
    "Ha ha ha !!!" - All said in unison.
    What a ridiculous situation. Well, who would have thought that all this would be resolved in this way.
    Our heroes went to the comedy, today, not only in the theater, but also in life.
    In the evening, Konstantin was waiting for them to train in Latin.
    The guys, vying with each other, rushed to tell Konstantin about their daytime events. He listened to them with interest and said: "Yes, your life is rich in adventures, and now let's do business. I have prepared very interesting Latin dance drawings for you."
    All eagerly prepared to learn new things.